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Hi^_^, all. This is my assignment 2… (´・_・`)
Every Monday night after class, it's not the lack of a place to get a late night snack that's a pain, but that there are too many good restaurants around to choose from. As you can see here, I assumed a situation here, what if I have no idea which classical cuisine type to choose from but just a specific dish that strikes my head, no matter in which style it's cooked, like "noodles"? Under this context, I use the 'like' command, "...WHERE rest_category_keyword LIKE '%麵%...' ". Then I got all the records contained restaurants whose sub-category is noodle.

Besides, I was also curious about what kind of restaurants with the dishes were actually near my house and what is the percentage of them respectively. So I used a 'count' command to get a list ranking by the quantity of each type of cuisine,and then I used matplotlib to perform the proportions of these cuisine types.

TOP 5 cuisine types with highest number of restaurants

Cuisine Type Bar Chart